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Cekli Video Browser and Downloader is developed using C# .Net Framework. With the power of WPF GUI makes it possible to create user friendly and almost unlimited Graphical User Interface. WPF GUI is combined with MVVM design pattern makes the software development much more easier and structured. The Continuous Integration is using Azure DevOps. GitHub handles the development process using Git versioning system.

The software is developed using the following resources:

  • youtube-dl: downloading youtube and other online video websites
  • CefSharp: chromium based browser
  • MahApps: beautify the user interface
  • Dragablz: enable dragable tab control
  • ControlzEx: used by MahApps
  • Syncfusion Metro Studio 5: providing the icons
  • Apache Log4Net: logging the internal process for debugging information
  • OokiDialogs.Wpf: Windows standard dialogs wrapper
  • Youtube Downloader: youtube-dl wrapper
  • InkScape is used to draw the Cekli Browser logo
  • ShareX is used to capture the software usage and save to gif
  • And other library dependency assemblies